NLB Damen, 28.04.2024 BeHC - Red Sox

Berner HC
29. Apr. 2024

Today's game against the Zurich Red socks started with a tough first quarter where we ended up down 0-3. After a pep talk from Lars, we found our rhythm and came back strong in next quarter. Our defenders and mid-fielders did an excellent job of shutting down what at first, had seemed like an unstoppable offense. Things were looking hopeful. Amelia made some great saves and the score remained 3-0 at half time. We knew that we had more to give, and came back for a strong third quarter. Some excellent tosses across the field by Toni and Malin caught Zurich off guard and resulted in many attempts at scoring, which were unfortunately narrowly missed. In the final quarter we managed to get our first short corner and Maya made a great shot at goal, but their goalie managed to save it (just). In the final minutes of the match Zurich made a quick play and unfortunately got one in resulting in the final score of 0-5. Despite the loss, we finished the match proud of our efforts. It was a fun game, thank you to our referees and everyone who came along to support!

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